Reach your customers easily and effectively – on their terms

Experience the power of our SMS and email services

We deliver smart communication solutions that simplify the customer journey. With our platform, you can create personalized and scalable customer interactions across all channels – quickly, seamlessly, and cost-effectively.

Contact us today and get started right away!

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Why our customers love SMS services

Increase conversion with SMS marketing

The conversion rate for SMS marketing is 200% higher than the next best-performing marketing channel

Today, we handle +100 million transactions per year and assist some of Sweden's largest companies with their SMS marketing. Choosing an SMS solution from us means fast and secure delivery of offers and information to your customers, which contributes to increased growth for your company.


We can see that customers act on an SMS offer within 90 seconds.


The average conversion rate for SMS marketing is 29%.


96% of customers open received SMS messages within 2 minutes, compared to email's 20%.

Digital marketing via SMS and email

Boka ett kostnadsfritt möte om hur vi kan hjälpa er med SMS-utskick

SMS service

We help businesses with SMS marketing to customers. Market your business, campaigns, or unique offers directly to the customer's mobile phone.

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Skaffa digitala kuponger för att enkelt hjälpa kunder registrera rabatter

Digital coupon

Digital coupons are an effective and sales-driving tool that helps you reach new consumers through advertising or existing customers through marketing campaigns.

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En kundklubb är ett vanligt sätt att knyta till sig nya kunder

Customer club

Customer clubs are a common and effective way to connect customers closer to you and sell more. We offer a complete solution with the possibility of providing individual offers for the right customers.

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Skapa personifierade erbjudanden och skicka e-post till kunder via VHD Media


Email is an option for those who want to complement and reach their customers through all channels, or for those who already send emails to their customers and want help to develop and streamline their campaigns.

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LYKO tar hjälp av VHD media i sina sms-utskick

“Vi valde att samarbeta med VHD Media Group för att de har visat sig vara en fullvärdig partner som kan tillgodose de behov vi har.”

“De har varit flexibla i alla diskussioner vi har haft och visat stor anpassningsförmåga. För oss är det viktigt att SMS:en håller hög kvalitet och anländer på överenskomna tider. Detta har VHD Media Group visat att de med gott betyg klarar av till förmånliga priser.

In cases where deviations have occurred, they have been quick and creative in finding solutions to the problems.

The fact that their system, via API, is prepared to communicate with our other systems, and how they have shown themselves to be a provider who wants to develop forward, makes us feel confident with them for the future.

André Ihlar
Online Sales Manager, Lyko Online AB |


We help businesses find and engage their customers

Prospect, analyze, and communicate with your new and existing customers in a simple and cost-effective way.

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Customer loyalty system with hardware focused on end-customers

Increase customer trust and awareness. The loyalty system from VHD helps to increase customer trust and awareness of your brand, product, or service.

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We are here to ensure that you comply with GDPR and stay updated

An up-to-date register is a prerequisite for creating profitable business and complying with GDPR. Update your customers' and suppliers' information easily and efficiently.

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Take the leap!

We at VHD can help you realize your dream of selling more!

Call us +46 (0)10-160 50 40

Illustration av hur våra kundklubbar kan hjälpa er
Bli medlem i kundklubben och ta del av bra erbjudanden och låt oss hjälpa dig samla in fler kunder

Elevate your digital marketing to the next level.

We assist you throughout the entire process.

As a provider of several digital marketing tools, we offer everything you need to tackle your challenges. We adapt to your needs and deliver SMS campaigns, digital coupons, and personalized marketing while you continue to do what you do best. We help you throughout the entire process.

We offer a complete service including:

  • Consultation to find the best solution for your business.
  • Selection TM/DM
  • Data maintenance and notifications
  • GDPR compliance
  • Customer loyalty system
  • Digital communications (SMS, email)

Our customers about VHD Media Group

“SMS-lösningar från VHD Media Group innebär stabila, snabba och säkra leveranser av SMS, något vi sökt efter en längre tid.”

Mårten Wahlström
CTO, Svensk fastighetsförmedling

“För oss är det viktigt att SMS:en håller hög kvalitet och anläder på överenskomna tider. Detta har VHD Media Group visat att de med gott betyg klarar av till förmånliga priser.”

André Ihlar
Online Sales Manager, Lyko Online AB

“Via VHD Media Group har vi kunnat leverera prisvärda SMS med säkra leveranser till våra kunder. Vi kan varmt rekommendera dem.”

Hanna Hjerppe
Customer Communications Manager, Sportamore AB


How can we help your
company grow?

We combine our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed.

Please fill out the form on the right or contact us directly by clicking on the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the page.